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When COVID Was Young & Restless: 1 YEAR AGO

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A note about this special rebroadcast:

Philip & Matt, always known for their keen eye for FASHION (just go with me on this…) found themselves fifty-three weeks ago observing that the newly minted PANDEMIC was going to change the way we comb our hair… and everything about WHAT WE WEAR!

Listen to our innocence as we pondered whether this LOCKDOWN might last a few… WEEKS? Maybe a few months? A precious cultural artifact, fizzing with naïveté.

We were a little bit NOSTRODOMUS, and a little bit Rock ‘N Roll. This was a fun episode when we made it, and looking back, it’s quite interesting to see how we felt when we were only ankle deep in the pool, and we hadn’t really yet seen the doodie floating there. Join us for this very special look back at when we were trying so hard to look FORWARD.

We now take you back to the future… as the day dawns…

March 17, 2020…


We hope this episode finds you and your loved ones well, no matter where in the world you are. Here in New York, we recorded this new episode just as they shut down our city. First they came for the sports arenas, then they came for the bars and pubs, and then the coffee shops… but we will persevere.

PEOPLE OF EARTH, WE SALUTE YOU. And since we’re all stuck at home, we figured it was no reason to stop educating and entertaining and imagining a utopian world where fashion never dies!

This week, we present a special WHAT THE IF for these very strange times: What The IF... we were ISOLATED all of the time! Can you imagine a world where nobody could be with anybody? Just the grammar of that thought alone is terrifying.

So put on your sexiest N-95 mask and your hazmat suit made from the finest Corinthian leather… and let’s do this!


1.     Zoom

Zoom has quickly gained a huge user base during the spread of the pandemic, allowing classes, meetings, and social events to still occur under the conditions of physical isolation. Find out more about the social changes in response to the current trend of digital meetings as well as some of the political and ethical questions that Zoom is facing.

For all the new Zoomers out there, here are some etiquette tips to keep in mind for your next virtual meeting!

2.     Pets and the Coronavirus

Can COVID-19 actually infect pets? Meet the Hong Kong Pomeranian that started it all! Here are also some new developments on the situation concerning this recently famous dog. For all the concerned dog parents out there, here’s a guide that explains the implications of COVID-19 on your fur babies!

3.     Robots in Quarantine

The physical isolation and medical emergencies caused by the spread of CORVID-19 has promoted use of the newest technology in medical settings. Robots have been co-opted as extra hands in everything from disinfection to entertainment, and telemedicine is on the rise for remote diagnosis and treatment. Find out how these technologies have played a role in combating the pandemic in China and how they are currently being adopted internationally.

4.     Health Tips

Lastly, in the quickly changing social, political, and medical environment, here are some guides from the WHO on dealing with the situation. Stay healthy and wash your hands!

Special thanks to Illia Zheng, Kyle Crichton and Howard Zheng and for their help with the show.

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Keep On IFFin',
Philip & Matt