VIRGIN BIRTH Run Amok! Unstoppable Parthenogenic Organisms

No muss, no sex, no fuss!

Today's show is ripped from the headlines. Science Magazine reports: "An aquarium accident may have given this crayfish the DNA to take over the world" By Elizabeth Pennisi.

And so, IFFed from the Headlines, we bring you, "What The IF people reproduced asexually?" Which means, ladies and gentlemen, that the ladies don't need the gentlemen anymore! And the offspring are clones of their mothers and this begins on a Thursday in a maternity ward somewhere in the world and then it's happening all over planet and then... WTIF?!!!!

This would make one heck of a movie. And it makes one hell of a podcast, enjoy your ride!

Yearning for more learning?

From WTIF Senior Researcher, Gaby Vardanega

AND, we have an exciting bonus!

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Keep On IFFin',
Philip, Matt, Gaby & Gabi