Posts in cosmology
Planet NIBURU Crashes Into EARTH! With Astronomer BOB KING

Is there a DOOMSDAY PLANET named NIBIRU heading our way? Nope! But what the IF there was? We challenge astronomer & astrophotographer Bob King to play out the RAM-ifications of this Earth SHATTERING scenario, from which we learn a WHOPPING amount of real science.

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Inter-Galactic MAILBAG!

Our fans, aka our Super IFFers discuss our most mind-blowing shows and share their own mind-bending IF's!

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Part Two: WTiF World War I never happened? Would Einstein have solved his Theory of Relativity sooner -- or, perhaps, NEVER AT ALL? 

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WTiF World War I never happened? Would Einstein have solved his Theory of Relativity sooner -- or, perhaps, NEVER AT ALL? 

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Gee, Your Universe Smells Terrific

Imagine if space was breathable... If you could swim in it, fly in it, go anywhere you want wearing only your bathing suit, or your birthday suit! Would you swim to Jupiter? Paddle to Alpha Centauri? How would life have evolved it could swim, crawl, fly into space? We ride whales to the Moon. We tremble at the sight of a giant plankton sphere swimming around the Sun. Grab your inflatable doughnut and come along to the worlds of What The IF!

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