Part Two: WTiF World War I never happened? Would Einstein have solved his Theory of Relativity sooner -- or, perhaps, NEVER AT ALL?
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astronomy , black holes , cosmology , einstein , exploration , history of science , mathematics , moon , news , physics , psychology , relativity , religion , scientific method , technology , universe , world domination Philip Shane May 14, 2019 einstein , war , history , relativity , scientific method , books , physics , policy , astronomy , moon , eclipses , cosmology , government , higher dimensions , international , time , legend , measurement , sun , teaching , universe , experimentation , germany , russia , england , united kingdom , eddington , religion , politics , nationalism , quakers , pacifism
WTiF World War I never happened? Would Einstein have solved his Theory of Relativity sooner -- or, perhaps, NEVER AT ALL?
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astronomy , black holes , cosmology , einstein , exploration , history of science , mathematics , moon , news , physics , psychology , relativity , religion , scientific method , technology , universe , world domination Philip Shane May 7, 2019 astronomy , einstein , war , history , relativity , scientific method , books , physics , policy , moon , eclipses , cosmology , government , higher dimensions , international , time , legend , measurement , sun , teaching , universe , experimentation , germany , russia , england , united kingdom , eddington , religion , politics , nationalism , quakers , pacifism
Magnetic Poles Gonna ROLL
Another awesome IF inspired by a listener! This week, listener Kyle asks, WHAT THE IF would happen if the Earth's magnetic pole FLIPPED?
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audience , biology , environment , geology , physics Philip Shane February 15, 2018 geology , biology , earth , magnetic field , physics , geophysics , disaster
Bad Kids With Badass Lasers
We imagine trying to tame the quantum world with cute barking dogs, get trapped in a backward flowing river of time, and ponder the outcome of cute little kids with nefarious world dominating plans, and lasers. An epic journey of WTiF!
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